Potatoes-Wonders Of The Humble Spud

Nutrients Of Potatoes And Its Benefits

Humble it may be, but nutrition wise, it is good news for us, including dieters and babies. It is low in fat, high in fiber, rich in vitamins and minerals.


A plain-boiled potato has only a few more calories than an apple, or equivalent to 1/3 bowl of rice, or 1.5 slices of bread. But only if it is cooked the right way. More calories are added when it is deep fried. The potato's moist and starchy texture provides high bulk and satiety so that dieters are less likely to nibble more than they should. It makes good weaning food for your baby, being soft and easily mashed for easy digestion.


As for vitamin C, the potato is a surprisingly rich source, and so make a suitable alternative when fresh fruits are unavailable. But remember that the vitamin content varies with length of storage and cooking method. So don't store potatoes for too long as nutrients are at their maximum when fresh.


Avoid peeling off the skin in cooking. As much as 80 percent of vitamin C is retained if the spud is boiled or baked with its skin, while only half remains if a peeled potato is boiled.


Useful amounts of the B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium are also found in the potato. Much of it lie in or near the skin-another reason why you should boil or steam potatoes whole without peeling the skin. Also steaming is better compares to boiling as water-soluble vitamins can be lost by leeching into the water. Lots of protein are found in the spud, as much as rice, wheat and other cereals.

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