Lettuce is easy to prepare and can be
used in dishes and soup or eaten raw. Eating it raw is the best way as
all the vitamins and minerals will be retained.
Just 100 gram of this vegetable gives
you more vitamin A (over 400 microgram) than the same amount of meat.
This is just the right amount a child needs daily. For the average
adult, eat twice this amount and you will have enough vitamin A for
the day.
Lettuce is also quite rich in vitamin C
and B-vitamins and is also a good source of essential minerals like
calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is highly beneficial to the body.
Children who do not eat enough
vegetables will suffer from swelling and bleeding gums which are signs
of lacking in vitamin C. Lettuce has a lot of vitamin C which may help
to prevent bleeding gums. Blend lettuce in water, filter the juice and
then drink it. Eating more lettuce or drinking lettuce juice will
quickly restore vitamin C and prevents herpes in the oral area. |