It is not uncommon to feel like your kitchen is a dull, uninspired place. Cooking for the love of it can change your perspective. Your kitchen turns into your canvas, and your meals are your finished painting, something you can be proud of, that pleases everyone. Here are some suggestions to consider.
Your spices should be stored in any area that is dark and cool. Spices will last longer when they are not exposed to warm temperatures and moist air. To keep your spices spicy and fresh, store them in an area that is cool and dark. Make sure that your spices are fresh to add taste and flavor to any meal.
Soaking raw potatoes for 30 minutes prior to frying will produce the crispiest French fries. When you soak sliced potatoes in cold water, it strengthens their fibers, so that they can stand up to the heat when being deep fried.
Finding the correct amount of time to grill certain meats is a science that not many of us know how to do. The best way to cook meat consistently is to invest in a digital meat thermometer that gives accurate readings of the temperature inside the meat. If the meat you’re grilling is more than 1.5 inches thick, think about keeping the lid of the grill closed to shorten the cooking time.
Burgers cooked on the grill are delicious; however, many times they stick to your grill. You can use a brush to apply some vegetable oil to the grill and make it to where nothing will stick to it.
What you want to do when cooking pumpkins is to first stand it upright, then slice it in half right down the middle. Place them upside down on different baking sheets. Add a few tablespoons of water to the pan and roast the pumpkin for one hour in a 350 degree oven.
Cooking Oil
Measure out your cooking oil! When it is time to add oil to your cooking pan, measure it instead of pouring directly from the bottle. This can ensure you are aware of the amount of unhealthy fat going into your food. Doing this will make you aware of exactly how much cooking oil you’re using.
Always try to purchase the freshest garlic available. For the most part, this ensures you will be getting the sweetest-tasting garlic. If garlic isn’t fresh, it will be shriveled and soft.
Mold these ideas into your own methods and meals and feel free to experiment whenever possible. Take the time to learn how to cook, and your family should truly enjoy gathering around the dinner table every day. Try cooking as a relaxing hobby that can also improve your health. The old adage of “home is where the heart is” can certainly begin in your kitchen.