Cooking Tips and Guide

All You Should Know Before Turning On The Stove



There is no end to the ways that cooking skills can be enhanced, developed and perfected. Even the most experienced cooks are always looking for new things to try out. The quick tips and tricks that make cooking less of a hassle are even more important to cooks who are just starting out. This article is packed with tips that are suitable for all types of foodies.

Prepare in advance as much as possible. The prep work should be done before you even start cooking. Trying to prepare a meal without handling the preparation beforehand can get stressful, especially if you need to finish your cooking in a set amount of time. Try to complete your preparations, so you can avoid scrambling later on.

When baking pie or tart crusts, bake them longer than you think you should. Let the crust go beyond light tan to a deeper, golden shade. The golden color indicates that the sugar in the pie crust has caramelized and this will give a sweet and crisp flavor.

A good cook takes pride in keeping a set of well-sharpened knives. Dull knives are not only difficult to cut things with, but they are also very dangerous to use. It is easy to cut yourself if you are using a dull knife than slicing it with a very sharp one.

Apples are a popular choice for eating in autumn or winter, but they will spoil if not properly stored. Air that is dry and warm tends to make apples rot, and you can slow down this process by loosely placing them in plastic bags that are tied shut. Store them in a cool area, such as a refrigerator, garage or basement. However, if even one apple becomes rotten, it will quickly spoil all apples in the same bag.

Mashed Potatoes

For healthier, lower-calorie mashed potatoes, add some cooked cauliflower to your tubers. Cauliflower’s neutral taste means that it blends easily with the flavor of the potatoes, butter and milk. You’ll still be able to enjoy mashed potatoes, but with less fat and calories!

Are you using fresh basil to cook with? Place some basil in a clean glass. Make sure the stems are covered with water. Place it on your kitchen counter to keep it fresh for weeks! The basil may even start growing roots if you change out the water regularly. If this happens, trim the basil once in a while. This promotes continued growth, which means you have fresh basil at your disposal well into the future.

Even professional chefs can learn new techniques and enjoy experimenting with food. New cooks should gather as much cooking knowledge as possible while learning how to cook. Try out the tips you have read in the article in order to see how much your cooking skills will improve, and how enjoyable a kitchen experience can be.